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Prof. Khaled Mohey El-Din Monib Hussein :: Publications:

The relation between androgenetic thin hair diagnosed by trichoscope and benign prostatic hyperplasia
Authors: Khaled Mohey Eldin Monib PhD | Mohamed Saber Hussein MD | Wael Saber Kandeel MD
Year: 2018
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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Background: Androgenetic alopecia carries a major cosmetic disfigurement and benign prostatic hyperplasia is associated with many urinary tract symptoms and both diseases are mediated by dihydrotestosterone. Objectives: The study aimed to determine the relationship between hair diameter in androgenetic alopecia diagnosed, by trichoscope, to benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms and signs. Methods: Fifty androgenetic alopecia males and 50 normal males as control were included. We used trichoscope for hair examination, transrectal ultrasound for prostate volume, and urodynamic inspectoscope for urinary symptoms, serum total testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and total prostatic specific antigen were measured in blood samples. All participants answered the International prostate symptom score questionnaire and the International Index of Erectile Function score questionnaire. Results: A significant difference between patient and control groups was detected as regards hair thickness (P = 0.001), prostatic volume (P = 0.013), urinary symptoms, prostatic specific antigen level (P = 0.015). A significant difference was detected between thin (0.03, n = 24) subgroups of patients as regards age (P = 0.001), dihydrotestosterone level (P = 0.001), testosterone level (P = 0.001), and urinary symptoms (P = 0.001). Conclusion: Androgenetic alopecia patients with thin hair diagnosed by trichoscopy are more prone to prostatic enlargement and its related symptoms. Androgenetic alopecia severity can be diagnosed by trichoscopy in addition to Hamilton‐Norwood scale. K E Y W O R D S androgenetic alopecia, thin hair, trichoscope

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