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Prof. Khaled Mohey El-Din Monib Hussein :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
Azoospermia Completed
Cosmetics of the hair Completed
The incidence of Gardnerella vaginalis in semen of infertile men Completed
Diffuse hair loss in women and evaluation of the causes and treatment Completed
Effect of leukocytospermia on semen parameters Completed
Immuno-peroxidase evaluation of Lichen planus biopsies and hepatitis C virus Completed
Concentration of beta endorphin in the sera of psoriatic and atopic dermatitis patients Completed
Semen parameters in one hundred fertile men in Qalyobia Governorate Completed
Evaluation of intralesional injection of bleomycin in treatment of warts: histo-pathological and immunological study of bleomycin injection into skin Completed
Evaluation of serum level of TNF-α in patients with lichen planus Completed
Assessment of some systemic affection in psoriatic patients Completed
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