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Ass. Lect. ibrahim hany ibrahim mohammed dawod :: Publications:

The role of information graphics (infographics) in the treatment of the Syrian crisis:(An analytical comparative study of Russia Today (RT), and CNN in Arabic)
Authors: Ibrahim Hany Ibrahim Mohamed Dawoad
Year: 2020
Keywords: infographics; information graphics; graphic design
Journal: not available
Volume: not available
Issue: not available
Pages: 370
Publisher: Faculty of Arts - Menoufia University
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper ibrahim hany ibrahim mohammed dawod_The role of information graphics infographicsin the treatment of the Syrian crisis.docx
Supplementary materials ibrahim hany ibrahim mohammed dawod_دور الرسوم المعلوماتية (الإنفوجرافيك) في معالجة الأزمة السورية.docx

Abstract... The study seeks to know The role of information graphic (Infographic) in the treatment of Syrian crisis in two sites (Russia Today (RT) and CNN in Arabic) from 30 March 2015 to 30 March 2016 this is by analysis and compare the Infographics about Syrian crisis in both sites. The researcher will use descriptive approach and a form of semiotics analyzing, comparative, content analysis to analysis content, Syntactic and significance to know the symbols' meanings, explanation and the role of text in Infographics. Results show that a variety of using Infographics in the two sites of the study, which the site of (RT) in Arabic was, interested in the maps Infographics, unlike the CNN in Arabic, which was interested in the comparative Infographic,There were also a variety in the means of designing the Infographic,The two sites of the study were right when they make use of colors meanings, lines, symbols and forms to deliver the implicit message of the Infographic,The two site was interested in using the basic principles of designing the Infographic,The text, in most of its positions, came in a form of pinpointing a piece of information.

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