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Prof. Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout :: Publications:

Availability, price, tradition, religion, income, social, development and economic influences on meat consumption
Authors: Fahim A. Shaltout
Year: 2024
Keywords: The Muslims, The Christians, meat consumption, religion, diets, development, imports, meat
Journal: Global Journal of Research in Education & Literature
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Pages: 17-27
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout_GJREL40125480_2.pdf
Supplementary materials Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout_GJREL40125480_2.pdf

The Muslims slaughtered the AL-Odhia of sheep, goat, cattle, buffaloe and camel in Eid Al-Adha every year and eat their meat. The Muslims eat the meat of all animals except pig all over the year. The Christians not eat meat and other foods of animal origin in certain periods of the year. The meat consumption is based largely on the availability, price and tradition. The meat production is a very complex operation depending not only on the demand which is usually based up on the price and the income, but up on the many social and economic influences such as the official policy, the price support mechanisms, and the interrelations such as the interaction between beef and milk production, the availability of animal feedstuffs and the competition for the food between the man and the animals.It is difficult to make accurate comparisons of the meat consumption between the countries in the world because the different methods are used to estimate the consumption. The figures may be derived from the total supplies available at wholesale level, or from the records of the household purchases, with or without estimates of what is consumed away from the home; the estimate of waste, both in the preparation of the food and by the individual adds to the uncertainty. Some national estimates fail to include the imports, and some surveys include the weight of non-meat components of the products, for example the amount of the meat in a product can range between hundred percentage in some types of the burger to ten percentage in some types of the pizza. The food Balance Sheets are prepared from the figures for the production, the imports, the stock changes and the exports with allowances for the feed, the processing and "The other uses" and the same methods are applied to all the regions . The amount of the meat consumed in different countries in the world varies enormously with social, economic and political influences, religious beliefs and geographical differences.

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