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Ass. Lect. Amro Abdelalim Shafik Mohamed Ibrahim :: Courses details:

Number of courses : 13
Number of uploaded files for these courses from students : 0
M578 Hydraulic Power Systems
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
M310 Computer Applications (AutoCAD software)
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M581 Advanced Manufacturing Processes
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M573 Automation
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M474 Machine tool design
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M471 Machine design
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M062 Strength of Materials and Machine Design
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M576 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
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M571 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
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M482 Automatic Control
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M461 System Dynamics
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M251 Theory of Machines
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M150 Engineering Drawing
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
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