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Dr. Alaa Salah Gouda Mohamed Salem :: News:

Highly efficient Anthraquinones as Artificial DNA Quadruplexes and I-motifs Constructs [2015-11-08]

The above title Includes: 1-Synthesizing of DNA G-Quaduplexes,I-motifs folding structure as modified Oligonucleotides by usage of DNA-Synthetizer. 2- Purifications of such Oligomers under HPLC included IXC,or NAP column. 3- Measurements of thermal stablity(Tm), Circular Dichorism Spectroscopy, and Flourscence properties. 4- Molecular Modelling for logic illustration of promising results 5- Fibrinogen Clotting Assay for such modified aptamers in comparison with Thrombin Binding aptamer (TBA).


The following project entitled "Chemical synthesis of Novel Phosphoramidites for modulation of bioactive DNA structures" is my point of research nowadays.

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