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Prof. Ahmed Abdel Azim Ahmed :: Publications:

Thermal analysis for system uses pressurized hot water for seawater desalination (pressurized multistage)
Authors: Ahmed A.A. Attia, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Desalination
Volume: 346
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 91-99
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The present work is a description of a proposed system for seawater desalination. The suggested system operates basically the same as the MSF system operates but uses high pressurized saturated water. The system operating pressure through all stages of the system and the final stage pressure are higher than atmospheric pressure. The system is simple and easy to construct. No need for high operation maintenance or high technical stuff in operation. No need for vacuum pumps because it operates at pressure higher than atmospheric pressure which also makes the system starts to operate fast and easy. The seawater could be with any quality or grade even brackish water could be used so no need for seawater pretreatment. The system could also be run by solar energy through replacing heat exchanger with a solar collector according to operating pressure and assigned saturated temperature. Energy consumption and production cost are promising even if system uses electricity as heat source.

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