You are in:Home/Publications/Quality attributes of beef burger substituted by different levels of whole amaranth meal. Ann. Of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 47(2): 121-136

Prof. Ahmed Ibrahim El-Desouky Abd El-Hameid Hassan :: Publications:

Quality attributes of beef burger substituted by different levels of whole amaranth meal. Ann. Of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 47(2): 121-136
Authors: EL-Desouky, A.I.
Year: 2009
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Ibrahim El-Desouky Abd El-Hameid Hassan_Quality attributes of beef burger substituted by different levels of whole amaranth meal.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In order to reduce the cost of beef burger, especially under the condition of meat shortage. Amaranth plant grows rapidly, with a high tolerance to arid conditions and poor soils. So, a trial was made to use whole amaranth meal in producing beef burger. The quality attributes of beef burger produced from beef meat as main ingredients or substituted by different levels of whole amaranth meal were studied. Chemical composition, freshness tests, physicochemical properties, microbiological examinations were determined. The energy values for produced beef burger were estimated. Texture properties were measured using the food texture Instron Universal Testing Machine (Model 4302) (Penetration test (PT) and Compression test (CT). Sensory evaluation for produced beef burger was carried out and the data were statistically analyzed. The beef burger was stored under freezing -18º C for 3 months and was analyzed for all previous examination each month. Data indicated that using of whole amaranth meal decreased the moisture and protein while increased the total carbohydrates in beef burger. The nutritional values for beef burger contained whole amaranth meal were slightly higher than control beef burger. The TVN and TBA were increased with increasing storage time. The increasing of TVN and TBA in beef burger substituted with whole amaranth meal were less than in beef burger control. In the same time the TVN and TBA for all produced beef burger were within the Egyptian standard. Whole amaranth meal increased cooking yield and decreased the shrinkage and frying and cooking loss. The microbiological quality of all produced beef burger was under Egyptian standard. The beef burger substituted with 5, 10 % of whole amaranth meal were accepted nearly as control beef burger. Texture properties of beef burger are affected by substitute levels of whole amaranth meal and storage period. Finally, the whole amaranth meal can be utilize in making beef burger.

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