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Assist. yasmin talaat mohamed abdelhamed :: Publications:

القيم الجمالية للشمس في التصوير الجداري في الفن المصري القديم
Authors: -ريتشارد ه . ولكسون، ترجمة حسن حسين شكري – دليل الفن المصري القديم
Year: 2022
Keywords: الفن المصرى القديم- الشمس-الرموز المقدسة -التجريد
Journal: المجلة العلمية للدراسات والبحوث التربية النوعية
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper yasmin talaat mohamed abdelhamed_summary.pdf
Supplementary materials yasmin talaat mohamed abdelhamed_summary.pdf

The subject of research was ' Abstract in The Ancient Egyptian Art as an exciting to create new visions in painting “was tackled through chapters as follows: - Chapter 1: Includes Introduction, research Problem, research Objectives, research hypothesis, research importance, Research delimitations, research Methodology, research Terms and Previous Studies. - Chapter 2: It includes the historical and theoretical framework of research in terms of the concept of abstract, types, advantages, and abstract in ancient arts, and the times of the families, and the color of the ancient Egyptian art. - Chapter 3: includes the foreign and Egyptian artists who deal with the abstract art and artists affected by ancient Egyptian art. - Chapter 4: This chapter contains practical applications carried out by the study to clarify the possibility of using abstract in the ancient Egyptian art to create new visions in painting. - Chapter 5: It includes the results of the study and recommendations recommended by the study, references, and a summary of the search in Arabic and English

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