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Dr. Wafaa El-Shahat Afify El-Shahat :: Publications:

Formation evaluation of the Cenomanian and Lower Cretaceous rocks in the North eastern part of Sinai,Egypt
Authors: A. Lashin, W. El- Shahat and M. Sharaf
Year: 2003
Keywords: Formation Evaluation, Cenomanian and Lower Cretaceous, North Eastern Sinai.
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Geology, ,
Volume: Vol v. 47/2
Issue: Not Available
Pages: p. 1297-1324
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Cenomanian rocks are considered of prime interest in the North Eastern part of Sinai, as many of commercial gas discoveries were encountered. So, the aim of this study is to evaluate the fractured Cenomanian carbonates along with the underlying Lower Cretaceous rocks using the different well logging data. Complete logging analysis was performed and a lot of petrophysical parameters were deduced. In terms of fluid resistivity, type and content, different analyses were enhanced. Apparent water resistivity (Rwa) was estimated and used as a key parameter for determining water resistivity of both clean and shaly intervals. Water and hydrocarbon saturations either gas and/or oil (Sw, Sxo, Sg and Sh) were also calculated using Pickett, apparent fluid identification (FID) and the different analytical quantitative techniques. Complete rock typing was carried out for determining the different rock and lithological components constituting the two studied rock units. Different relations were used like; Velocity (Vp) against Gamma ray and Density readings and apparent matrix volumetric cross section against apparent grain density (Umaa vs. maa). Fractures were detected through the calculation of the secondary porosity index (SPI) and the interpretations of the density log correction () and full waveform sonic tool (WFT). Moreover, a number of litho-saturation crossplots and lateral variation facies and fluid content maps were constructed.

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