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Dr. shimaa salah sadek sedik :: Publications:

Body language considerations in the politically successful advertising
Authors: Shimaa Salah Sadek
Year: 2021
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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Body language considerations are critical to the success of political advertising due to its importance of influencing public behavior physiologically and ideologically. Cognitive and physiological measures reveal the motivations of behavior and persuasion of political advertising, thus influencing the ideal participation of voters and voting decisions. The body language, gestures and face features are non-verbal, credible, vital and indirect communications having the ability to establish a strong relationship between the candidate and the target population because they have an effective psychological impact in reverting any political process. It could boost the credibility or promote the society conservation and voters sarcasm sometimes, which has a great impact on the rise and reduction of political affiliations and voting rates. The research is an introduction to the responsible experts for forming non-verbal messages in the competitive political races to discuss the reactions and the implicit subconscious effect of the non-verbal advertising messages of the political advertising to motivate the voters. Therefore, the problem of the research is to study the power of body language as a non-verbal communication on the success of the political ad, taking that into consideration, the research follows inductive method of collecting information in addition to the descriptive method of analysis to study and analyze several political advertising models.

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