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Dr. Shimaa Mohamed Araby :: Publications:

Enhancing Creativity and Change of Nursing Management Staff and Its Influencing on Their Performance at Benha University Hospital
Authors: Shaimaa Mohamed Araby Ebraheem-Pro.Dr Gehan Mohamed Ahmed-Dr. Howida Hassan El-sayd Mahfouz
Year: 2018
Keywords: Creativity, Change, Nursing management staff, Performance
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper shimaa khder_After format.pdf
Supplementary materials shimaa khder_After format.pdf

Currently, organizations work in very competitive and uncertain dynamic environment, which requires organizations to be flexible, to acquire and adapt new knowledge, new technologies and new processes to introduce new products, services, cut costs, act faster than competitors and remain competitive. Purpose of the study: Enhance creativity and change of nursing management staff and it's influencing on their performance at Benha University Hospital. Design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized. The subjects were head nurses, their assistants. Instruments for data collection: four instruments were used: ( ) Knowledge Questionnaire Sheet, ( ) Nursing Management Staff Observation Checklist ( ) Nursing Management Staff Attitude toward Creativity and Change at work Questionnaire. ( ) Creativity Questionnaire. The result showed that, There was improvement in the level of knowledge, performance, attitude toward creativity, change and level of creativity throughout post and follow up from the preprogram, There was significant positive statistical correlation between total knowledge scores with total performance scores and attitude toward creativity of the studied nursing management staff at preprogram and follow up phase of the study, there was positive statistical significant correlation between attitude toward change with performance and attitude toward creativity of the studied nursing management staff at post program and follow up program. The study concluded that, Enhance creativity and change of nursing management staff and it's influencing on their performance at Benha University Hospital. The study recommended the following: Hospital administration should provide program about enhancing creativity and change for nursing management staff, Replication of the study on a larger probability sample is highly recommended to achieve generalization of results.

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