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Dr. shaker Hassan Ali El-sappagh :: Publications:

Fuzzy Ontology and LSTM-Based Text Mining: A Transportation Network Monitoring System for Assisting Travel
Authors: Farman Ali; Shaker El-Sappagh; Daehan Kwak
Year: 2019
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Sensors
Volume: 19(2): 234
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) utilize a sensor network-based system to gather and interpret traffic information. In addition, mobility users utilize mobile applications to collect transport information for safe traveling. However, these types of information are not sufficient to examine all aspects of the transportation networks. Therefore, both ITSs and mobility users need a smart approach and social media data, which can help ITSs examine transport services, support traffic and control management, and help mobility users travel safely. People utilize social networks to share their thoughts and opinions regarding transportation, which are useful for ITSs and travelers. However, user-generated text on social media is short in length, unstructured, and covers a broad range of dynamic topics. The application of recent Machine Learning (ML) approach is inefficient for extracting relevant features from unstructured data, detecting word polarity of features, and classifying the sentiment of features correctly. In addition, ML classifiers consistently miss the semantic feature of the word meaning. A novel fuzzy ontology-based semantic knowledge with Word2vec model is proposed to improve the task of transportation features extraction and text classification using the Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) approach. The proposed fuzzy ontology describes semantic knowledge about entities and features and their relation in the transportation domain. Fuzzy ontology and smart methodology are developed in Web Ontology Language and Java, respectively. By utilizing word embedding with fuzzy ontology as a representation of text, Bi-LSTM shows satisfactory improvement in both the extraction of features and the classification of the unstructured text of social media.

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