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Dr. Shady Yehia AbdElazim Elmashad :: Publications:

Hybrid Sine Cosine and Stochastic Fractal Search for Hemoglobin Estimation
Authors: Marwa M. Eid, Fawaz Alassery, Abdelhameed Ibrahim, Bandar Abdullah Aloyaydi, Hesham Arafat Ali and Shady Y. El-Mashad
Year: 2022
Keywords: Sine cosine optimization; metaheuristics optimization; hemoglobin estimation; weight average ensemble
Volume: 72
Issue: 2
Pages: 2467-2482
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Shady Yehia AbdElazim Elmashad _TSP_CMC_25220.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The sample’s hemoglobin and glucose levels can be determined by obtaining a blood sample from the human body using a needle and analyzing it. Hemoglobin (HGB) is a critical component of the human body because it transports oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Calculating the HGB level is a critical step in any blood analysis job. The HGB levels often indicate whether a person is anemic or polycythemia vera. Constructing ensemble models by combining two or more base machine learning (ML) models can help create a more improved model. The purpose of this work is to present a weighted average ensemble model for predicting hemoglobin levels. An optimization method is utilized to get the ensemble’s optimum weights. The optimum weight for this work is determined using a sine cosine algorithm based on stochastic fractal search (SCSFS). The proposed SCSFS ensemble is compared to Decision Tree, Multilayer perceptron (MLP), Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Random Forest Regressors as model-based approaches and the average ensemble model. The SCSFS results indicate that the proposed model outperforms existing models and provides an almost accurate hemoglobin estimate.

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