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Dr. Samir Hossny Hassan Barhoma :: Publications:

Comparison of three Methods of Weaning Patients from Mechanical Ventilation
Authors: Samir Hossny Hassan, Mahmoud Abd El-Rahman El- Sherbini, Mohammed Yousri Serri, Mohammed Ahmed El-Rabiey.
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Samir Hossny Hassan Barhoma_Dr.Samir.pdf
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The aim of this study is to Comparison between Pressure support ventilation (PSV) ,Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) and Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure (BIPAP) as three weaning modes of mechanical ventilation in Type I Respiratory failure. This study was conducted on 60 patients and divides randomly into 3 group according to weaning method. It included 19 patients suffering from ARDs, 14 patients suffering from pneumonia, 8 patients suffering from cardiogenic pulmonary oedema ,7 patients suffering from post blood transfusion hypoxia, 7 patients suffering from acute lung injury, 5 patients suffering from post operative hypoxemia. The patients were divided into three equal groups each consists of 20 patients put on one of the three weaning modes Pressure support ventilation (PSV) , Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) and Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure (BIPAP). As regards respiratory rate there were significant differences between PSV/ SIMV (P value =0.041) but there were no significant differences between PSV/ BIPAP (P value=0.096) nor BIPAP/ SIMV (P value =0.096). As regards static compliance there were statistical significant differences between PSV/ BIPAP (P value =0.021) and PSV/ SIMV (P value=0.031) but there were no significant differences between BIPAP/ SIMV (P value =0.061). As regards dynamic compliance there were statistical significant differences between PSV/ BIPAP (P value =0.047) and PSV/ SIMV (P value=0.021) but there were no significant differences between BIPAP/ SIMV (P value =0.055). As regard resistence there were no statistical significant differences between PSV/ BIPAP (P value =0.051) and BIPAP/ SIMV (P value=0.063) but there were significant differences between PSV/ SIMV (P value =0.019). We can summarize the data studied as follows: - First There were no statistically significant difference as regards demographic data , associated diseases and MAB, heart rate and ECG findings. - Second their were no statistical significant differences between PSV,BIPAP and SIMV modes in PH and PaCo2 , Pao2,O2 saturation and Pao2/ Fio2 values. - Third There were significant differences between PSV,BIPAP and SIMV as regard respiratory rate . - Fourth there were statistically significant difference between the initial values and final values of both dynamic & static complience and reduction in airway resistance in PSV mode followed by BIPAP followed by SIMV . - Fifth the least failure rate of weaning with PSV followed by BIPAP followed by SIMV . - Sixth the least duration of weaning with PSV followed by BIPAP followed by SIMV .

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