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Dr. Samah Abd EL-Haliem Said Ibrahim :: Publications:

Efficacy of Virtual Reality Application as a Distraction for Primiparity Women at 1st stage of Labor on Pain and Anxiety Control
Authors: Amal Talaat Abd El-Wahed El Sharkawy(1), Rehab Mohamed Abd-El Hady(2), Samah Abdelhaliem Said(3), Ola Abdel-Wahab Afifi Araby(4),RedaTaha Ahmed Abou-Elazab(5)
Year: 2022
Keywords: Anxiety, Labor Pain, Maternal satisfaction, Virtual reality.
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Health Care
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Pages: 1267-1284
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Samah Abd EL-Haliem Said Ibrahim _9.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background:Virtual reality is a new and modern technology; Virtual reality is significantly safe and beneficial in reducing pain and anxiety during labor. Aim was to explore the efficacy of virtual reality application as a distraction for primiparity women at 1st stage of labor on pain and anxiety control. Design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized to fulfill the aim of this study. Setting: the labor unit in (obstetrics & gynecology department) at Benha University. Sample: A purposive sample that fulfill the inclusion criteria [Total 220 primipara were equally divided into two groups (control group: 110 primipara and study group: 110 primipara)]. Tools: There are four main tools; interviewing questionnaire sheet (sociodemographic data and obstetrics history), labour observational sheet through partograph, pain and anxiety assessment scales (Visual Analog Scale and Anxiety Rating Scale) and modified maternal satisfaction questionnaire. Results: There was a highly statistical significant difference related to labor pain and anxiety during the first stage of labor. Moreover, there was highly statistical significance difference related duration of the different stages of labor. The majority of women were satisfied with virtual reality application. Conclusion: Virtual reality had a positive effect on pain and anxiety levels during the first stage of labor. Recomendations: Virtual reality is recommended as an alternative non-pharmacological therapy, which can be applied in maternity hospitals for effective effect in labor pain and anxiety management.

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