You are in:Home/Publications/Factor analysis and genetic parameters on yield and its components of two varieties and a new promising line of faba bean as affected by manganese and zinc application. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 19 (11):173- 187.

Prof. Sadiek Abd El-Aziz Sadiek Mehasen :: Publications:

Factor analysis and genetic parameters on yield and its components of two varieties and a new promising line of faba bean as affected by manganese and zinc application. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 19 (11):173- 187.
Authors: Mehasen, S. A. S*, and N. A. Mohamed**
Year: 2004
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
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Local/International: Local
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Full paper Sadiek Abd El-Aziz Sadiek Mehasen_Dr.Sadiek-p15.pdf
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Two field experiments were carried out in the Research and Experimental Center of the Faculty of Agriclture at Moshtohor, during the two successive growing seasons 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 to: - Evaluate the effect of foliar application of manganese and zinc (zero, Mn 25 ppm, Mn 50 ppm, Zn 25 ppm,Zn 50 ppm and Mn 25 ppm + Zn 25 ppm) on two varieties (Giza 674 and Sakha 1) and a new pure line (L 18) of faba bean yield and its components. Estimates of heritability, variability and covariability were calculated. Factor analysis technique was used to determine the dependence relationships between yield and its components. The design used was a split plot design with three replications. The most important results obtained from this investigation can be summarized as follows: 1- There were significant differences between foliar application of manganese and zinc treatments in all studied traits except plant height in the second season. The maximum values of increase in seed yield were obtained by applying (Mn 25 ppm + Zn 25 ppm). 2- Results revealed significant differences between genotypes for all tested characters except plant height, number of pods/plant, number of seeds per pod and per plant, weight of pods/plant in the first season and seed yield/fed in the first season and combined analysis. Sakha 1 gave the highest mean values for seed yield per plant and per feddan followed by Giza 674. 3- The interaction between foliar manganese and zinc has an insignificant effect on yield and all studied characters 4- Broad sense heritability values, were high for all traits indicating that most variability among genotypes was due to genetic portion. Therefore, selection could be effective. 5- Simple correlation coefficients revealed that, number of pods/plant, weight of pods/plant, seed number/pod, 100-seed weight, seed number/plant and plant height had the greatest influence on seed yield/plant. Therefore selection for these characters is more effective for obtaining new higher yielding varieties. 6- Factor analysis divided characters of faba bean into two factors accounted for 78.842% of the total variability. The first factor contributed by 46.39% and included plant height, number and weight of pods/plant, number of seeds per pod and per plant and seed yield/plant. The second factor accounted for 32.452% and contained number of branches/plant and 100-seed weight.

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