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Dr. Roubi Abdelsattar Roubi Nasr Zaied :: Publications:

Development of water saving toilet-flushing mechanisms
Authors: Roubi A Zaied
Year: 2018
Keywords: Water saving Toilet flushing Pedal operated flushing system Fixed trapway Rotatable trapway
Journal: Applied Water Science
Volume: Online ISSN 2190-5495
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Roubi Abdelsattar Roubi Nasr Zaied_Zaied-2018-Applied_Water_Science.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Wasting water in toilets flushing is the largest source of water wasting through the use of old siphon boxes. It occupies the first place in domestic consumption. This study reports two trial approaches for optimizing the flushing system design. The first one employs a rotatable blade in the bottom of the bowl. This blade pushes materials in the bowl to cross the trapway thus; less toilet flushing water can be used. The second approach depends on using a rotatable trapway such that it can be tilted down to enable discharging materials in the bowl directly by its gravity. This facilitates the discharge and reduces the flushwater amount which is just used to overcome friction and to clean the passage. Both are mechanical systems actuated by an external pedal mechanism that triggers the water flushing valve system in the same time. Real experiments revealed that the first approach needs more developments to work efficiently. Experiments with restricted conditions revealed that with using the rotatable trapway system approach, less than one liter of flushwater is sufficient. The required flushwater flow rate can be obtained directly from the water supply system without the need to install siphon boxes. This study can help more to design better water saving systems.

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