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Dr. Reham Mohamed Mostafa :: Publications:

Ecophsiological analysis of Zygophyllum album plant and its allelopathy
Authors: Reham M.Mostafa and Heba S.Essawy
Year: 2016
Keywords: Zygophyllum album; Phytochemistry; phenol; flavonoid and antioxidant.
Journal: Egypt J.Bot.
Volume: 6 th .International Con. 11-12 May ,Menoufia Univ.
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 1-18
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Reham Mohamed Mostafa_Zygophyllum album.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Zygophyllum (Z. album) is one of the common species growing in Egypt. This species was collected from three different regions as well as texture soils (Gebel Elba, Ain Sokhna and North coast) . Soils analysis under plants growing revealed variation in physicochemical characters of soil. On the other hand , they have different specific amount of the chemical constituents of trepene, flavonoids, phenolic, tannin, saponine, alkaloids and reducing sugars. The higher content of flavonoids, phenolic and antioxidants content were recorded in the crude extract of Z. album of Gebel Elba and Ain Sokhna (5.23mg/g,3.28mg/g&50.84 µg/l), (1.29mg/g 2.54mg/gand17.2 µg/l) respectively and the lower content were recorded in Z.album from North Coast (0.88mg/g,0.92mg/g&10.6 µg/l). The meth-anolic extract of Z. album from Gebel Elba have allelopathic effect as antimicrobial agent on bacteria. The highest effect of this extract recorded inhibition zone (23mm) on pseudomonas aeruginosa and the lowest effect was (18mm) on staphylococcus aureus, but it have no effect on fungi (Candida albicans & Aspergillus flavus ).

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