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Assist. rania galal abdelattif elsadek :: Publications:

Improvement of physical and chemical properties of some low-fat dairy products
Authors: Sania M. Abdou, Shenana, M.E., El.Nagar, G.F. and Abd Elatif, Rania Galal
Year: 2020
Keywords: Low-fat ice cream – Low-fat free-sugar ice cream – Low-fat labneh.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper rania galal abdelattif elsadek_sUMMARY.pdf
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In recent years consumers have directed their interest towards reduced or low-fat products to reduce the risk of obesity and coronary heart diseases. The thesis was carried out in three parts. The 1st part was to improve low fat ice cream (2% fat) by incorporating different fat replacers during manufacture. The best fat replacer was maltodextrin. In the 2nd part, production of low-fat free sugar ice cream was suggested using intensive sweeteners (sucralose and stevia), to lower the fat and sugar reduce the caloric values. The 3nd part deals with low fat labneh which produced by the traditional method and it was improved by incorporating lactic acid bacteria which produce exopolysaccharides to give high quality low fat labneh.

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