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Dr. Noha Ezzat Mohamed El-Attar :: Publications:

Deep learning model for classification and bioactivity prediction of essential oil‑producing plants from Egypt
Authors: Noha E. El‑Attar, Mohamed K. Hassan, Othman A. Alghamdi & Wael A. Awad
Year: 2020
Keywords: Bioinformatics, Deep learning
Journal: Scientific Reports
Volume: 10
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Nature reserch
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Noha Ezzat Mohamed El-Attar_Nature.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

including biological science, due to its proven efficiency in manipulating big data that are often characterized by their non-linear processes and complicated relationships. In this study, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) has been recruited, as one of the deep learning techniques, to be used in classifying and predicting the biological activities of the essential oil-producing plant/s through their chemical compositions. The model is established based on the available chemical composition’s information of a set of endemic Egyptian plants and their biological activities. Another type of machine learning algorithms, Multiclass Neural Network (MNN), has been applied on the same Essential Oils (EO) dataset. This aims to fairly evaluate the performance of the proposed CNN model. The recorded accuracy in the testing process for both CNN and MNN is 98.13% and 81.88%, respectively. Finally, the CNN technique has been adopted as a reliable model for classifying and predicting the bioactivities of the Egyptian EO-containing plants. The overall accuracy for the final prediction process is reported as approximately 97%. Hereby, the proposed deep learning model could be utilized as an efficient model in predicting the bioactivities of, at least Egyptian, EOs-producing plants.

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