You are in:Home/Publications/Between the École Des Beaux-Arts and the Bauhaus: Modern Architecture as an Outcome of the Enlightenment Philosophy Nelly Shafil Ramzy1

Dr. Nelly Shafiq Ramzy :: Publications:

Between the École Des Beaux-Arts and the Bauhaus: Modern Architecture as an Outcome of the Enlightenment Philosophy Nelly Shafil Ramzy1
Authors: Nelly Shafil Ramzy
Year: 2004
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
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Starting from the Age of Enlightenment, and throughout 19th and 20th centuries, philosophical movement had reformed the face of life in Western World. One of the fields that remarkably reflected these changes was architecture. A study of the development of philosophical thinking of this era would hence help understanding the origins and inspirations that led architectural development in this period. It is argued here that as long as fields like philosophy and criticism barely have any weight in architectural education in our Arab World, the architecture in this region will always lack meaning and value. The paper suggests that engraving some connections with philosophical and intellectual trends might be helpful for developing an architecture that reflects a special character and meaning in this region

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