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Dr. Naglaa Fekry Abd El-Hamed :: Publications:

New unit for mass - production of Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) eggs for rearing the parasitoid Trichogramma used in insect pest control
Authors: Naglaa F. Abdel-Hameid
Year: 2018
Keywords: Sitotroga cerealella, Rearing units, Trichogramma, Classical rearing unit, New rearing unit.
Journal: Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research
Volume: 07 : 02
Issue: ISSN 2077-4605
Pages: 430-436
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Naglaa Fekry Abd El-Hamed_New unit.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The presented study aimed to follow the biology of the angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) after rearing on wheat grains in two rearing units (classical and new ) in order to verify which is better for mass – production of Sitotroga eggs used , subsequently for mass - production of Trichogramma to be used in insect pests control. The new unit may be considered a new idea for improving the mass-production of Sitotroga eggs. The ovipositional period and the larval, pre- pupal and pupal periods of Sitotroga cerealella lasted (3.60±0.24& 3.40±0.40), (17.4±0.17 & 17.4±0.22), (3.40±0.24 & 3.80±0.20) and (5.20±0.20 & 5.00±0.00) days for eggs and subsequent immature stages from the classical and new units, respectively. Hatching percentages among Sitotroga cerealella eggs were 95.57±0.61 and 96.55±0.62, respectively being nonsignificntly, different. Concerning the ovipositional periods, durations of life stages and hatching percentages among the obtained eggs, those also varied nonsignificantly. From another point of view, the new unit had many advantages than the classical one, such as; a - easier handling with the wheat grains used for mass- rearing and Sitotroga eggs added to these grains, b - durability of the new unit than the old one making it less expensive ., c - easier to be manufactured from different metals. and d – saving time in applying the steps of mass production of Sitotroga eggs , so saving time and effort; e - The number of eggs for females from the new rearing unit was, significantly higher; 307.00 opposed to 257.40 eggs / female from the classical one, indicating 19.46 % increase by rearing in the new unit .

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