You are in:Home/Publications/Fundamentals of fractional‐order LTI circuits and systems: number of poles, stability, time and frequency responses

Dr. Mourad Samir abdallah Mohmmed Semary :: Publications:

Fundamentals of fractional‐order LTI circuits and systems: number of poles, stability, time and frequency responses
Authors: M.S. Semary, A. G. Radwan, H.N. Hassan
Year: 2016
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications
Volume: 44
Issue: 12
Pages: 2114-2133
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mourad Samir abdallah Mohmmed Semary_Fundamentals of fractional-order LTI circuits and systems_ number of poles, stability, time and frequency responses - Semary - 2016 - International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications - Wiley Online Library.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper investigates some basic concepts of fractional-order linear time invariant systems related to their physical and non-physical transfer functions, poles, stability, time domain, frequency domain, and their relationships for different fractional-order differential equations. The analytical formula that calculates the number of poles in physical and non-physical s-plane for different orders is achieved and verified using many practical examples. The stability contour versus the number of poles in the physical s-plane for

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