You are in:Home/Publications/Pharmacokinetic of ethosuxamide in dog. Archives Internationals de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie 234:180-192.

Prof. Mossad Gamal El-Din A. EL-SAYED :: Publications:

Pharmacokinetic of ethosuxamide in dog. Archives Internationals de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie 234:180-192.
Authors: M.G.A.El-sayed W-Losclrer and H, H, Frey
Year: 1978
Keywords: Pharmacokinetic,ethosuxamide , dog .
Journal: Archives Internationals de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie
Volume: 234
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 180-190
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The pharmacokinetics of ethosuximide were studied in dogs and compared with the data known for man. After intravenous injection of 40 mg/kg to 9 dogs, the concentration-time curve in serum could be described by the open one-compartment model. Serum half-lives were between 11 and 25 hr, the volume of distribution correspond to between 44 and 66% of body weight. After oral administration of the same dose, maximal serum concentrations were reached within 1-4 hr and the absorption amounted to 88-95%. By treatment with three daily doses, a plateau in serum concentrations could be reached and maintained. At serum concentrations above 100 microliter/ml, half-lives seemed prolonged when compared to the values determined previously with a dose of 40 mg/kg. Ethosuximide rapidly enters the cerebrospinal fluid, equilibrium was established after 20-30 min. Plasma protein binding of the drug was negligible. Comparison of the pharmacokinetic data for dog and man reveals, in spite of the somewhat shorter half-life in the dog, a rather good agreement. In female rats, ethosuximide had an average half-life of 10 hr, in mice of hardly 1 hr. Concentrations in serum and brain of mice equilibrated within 10 min.

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