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Dr. Mona Shahat Mohamed :: Publications:

Effect of Nursing Guidelines on Knowledge and Quality of Life for Patient with Knee Osteoarthritis
Authors: Mona Shahat Mohamed1, Aml Said Taha2, Rawia Ali Ibrahim3
Year: 2020
Keywords: Knee osteoarthritis, Quality of life
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper mona mona_dr mona.pdf
Supplementary materials mona mona_dr mona.pdf

knee osteoarthritis; the cartilage in the knee joint gradually the cartilage wears away, it becomes frayed and rough and the protective space between the bones decreases. This can result in bone rubbing on bone and produce painful bone spurs. Aim of the study:To evaluate the effect of nursing guidelines on knowledge and quality of life for patients with knee osteoarthritis at Benha university hospital through . Aquasi-experimental research design will be utilized to conduct the aim of this study. Setting:This study will be conducted at rheumatoid department in Benha University hospital. Subjects :Convienient sample of all patients admitted to rheumatoid department during the six months(n100). Two tools:(1) Structured interviewing questionnaire sheet , (2) Osteoarthritis Knee Hip Quality of Life Questionnaire (OAKHQOL). Results: the study showed that statistical significant improvement in the total mean knowledge scores of patients post implementing the educational program as compared to pre implementing the educational program implementation.Also,there was statistical significant improvement in patients quality of life mean score on immediate post from pre educational program implementation. Although, the mean score on the 2nd month were decreased comparing with the immediate post educational program implementation.which indicated that the patients with chronic condition need more frequent follow up. Conclusion: Finding of this study concluded that, the post mean know1edge scores of patients with knee osteoarthritis who were exposed to educational program were higher than their pretest know1edge mean scores. The post mean quality of life scores of patients with knee osteoarthritis who were exposed to educational program were higher than their pre quality of life mean scores. The study recommended that, there is a need for continuous monitoring and eva1uating quality of life of knee osteoarthritis patients to early detecting and so1ving their problems.

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