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Prof. Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed :: Publications:

Build a test to evaluate the management skills of the student teacher
Authors: Mohsen Haseb
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed_Build a test to evaluate the management skills of the student teacher.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Associated with Calendar detects strengths and weaknesses , both in human and material resources , and the calendar Doreen two main role certain amount Diagnostic and role closing Altgmay , The aim of this research is to build a test to evaluate the management skills of the student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha , and the researcher used the descriptive method , was chosen as the research sample way random and $ 150 student Teacher fourth year at the Faculty of Physical Education Benha for the academic year 2005/2006 AD , was used personal interview and questionnaire tools for data collection , and the coefficient of ease and difficulty and discrimination , and re-testing labs internal consistency and factor analysis of the data processing statistically and draw axes and phrases test 0 Test demodulator consists of (3) axes ( lesson planning , management lesson , calendar lesson ) The total number of phrases ( 85 ) is , and the time trial for the test (18 minutes) , and achieved a test reliability coefficient ( 0.83 ) 0 and honesty ( 0.86 ), the researchers recommended to use the test in the evaluation of the student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education Benha

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