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Prof. Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed :: Publications:

The effect of mastery learning program at the level of performance Some of the skills of Hockey
Authors: Mohsen Haseb
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohsen Haseb El said Ahmed_The effect of mastery learning program at the level of performance.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Facing education in many places of the world's problems and challenges educational dictated by the nature of the present era and its particular characteristics are ascribed this problem to the lack of appropriate between educational systems and the demands of the educational characteristics of this era no doubt that educational systems differ in their strategy to cope with these problems and overcome the different reality of education and background of social and economic and the extent of the possibilities currently available for education , but these educational systems can not overcome its problems without working to identify themselves and create a modern system to teach new in its objectives , content and methods and means of education in order to achieve the demands of modern education and help the student to participate actively in the learning process 0 And teaching methods, the important addressed by the Physical Education mastery learning refer to Mohabbat Abu Emira ( 1997 ) quoted Bloom and Carol Bloom & Caroll to allow the learner to gain the time he needs in the collection of a subject , allowing sufficient time for learning in the light of the appropriate ways of learning leads ability to achieve and bringing them to the level of mastery of the subject and thus arriving to collect high levels (31 : 181 ) . And agree all of Muhammad rumen ( 1991 ) , Fatima Issa (1991 m) , Ahmed Jaber ( 1992 ) Happy wholesome ( 1992 ) that the time for learning is the key to perfection and I suppose that readiness determines the speed of learning and that most of the students that they can reach the level of perfection if given time enough to learn and doubted that pupils with preparing high more efficient in their learning for pupils with attainment low the amount of time spent in learning , whether in the classroom or outside it does not indicate the level of education and therefore must be given to each student what he needs time to learn and this time is influenced by the willingness of the student and his ability and quality Education received in the school and the quality of aid , which finds out the season and become the responsibility of mastery learning to find ways that can be modified by the time the student needs to learn and find solutions to the problems of education and school systems (32) (30) (5) ( 17) . And sees Abraham Far (2000 m) and Fatima benign ( 1996 ) that mastery learning depends on the provision of quality education and providing assistance and appropriate treatment for the student in case there are any problems hinder the arrival of the level of proficiency, and that is linked to provide enough time for each student to reach the required level of proficiency, and after make sure there is a positive relationship between the time spent by the student in the learning and the level of achievement that up to him , and it is used if different preparations of the students where they are taking into account individual differences ( 3:46 ) (29 : 142 ) . Explains Drikul Dicoll (1995 m) to learn until mastery is not a new concept in education , where it is not intended here proficiency stage of the stages of learning, but the intended learning process itself stages full by the entrance to perfection in the sense that perfection means to address the learning stages each stage perfecting and mastering

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