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Prof. Mohanad Mohamed Ibrahim Shehab :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
Comparative study on the effect of calcium channel blockers on uremic rats(1995). Completed
Behavioral and Metabolic effects of fluoxitin and its interaction with khat(2000). Completed
Ocular effect of khat(2005). Completed
Effect of khat on some aspects of renal function(2006) Completed
Epileptogenic potential of khat(2008). Completed
Evaluation of malaria therapy in Yemen(2008). Completed
Effect of khat on some aspects of hepatic function
Effect of khat and smokeless tobacco either singly or in combination on some cardiovascular parameters(Submitted for discussion). In Progress
Evaluation of trace elements in pharmaceutical water(Submitted for discussion) In Progress
Effect of Pomegranate on gastric mucosa and renal function in non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced peptic ulcer
Loss of pregnancy and its correlation with drug intake and plasma concentration of zinc and lead (Submitted for discussion). In Progress
Potential hepatoprotective effect of Arabic gum in paracetamol induced hepatotoxicicity and its interaction with Slimaryn.
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