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Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Salem Al-Aaser :: Publications:

Estimating Simulation Models of Some Hydrographic Parameters along Lake Nasser, Egypt; Applying Integration between Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Authors: Hussein M. El-Kobtan, Islam H. Abou El-Magd, Mohamed Salem, Karima M. Attia, Sayed M. Ahmed
Year: 2017
Keywords: Remote Sensing; GIS, Hydrographic Parameters; Ecology; Sedimentology
Journal: Journal of Remote Sensing Technology
Volume: Vol. 4
Issue: Iss. 1
Pages: PP. 70-82
Publisher: Bowen Publishing
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Salem_Journal of Remote Sensing Technology.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract- Lake Nasser is one of the largest global man-made reservoirs, which is located on the Nile River between Latitudes of 20o27o and 23o58oN and Longitudes of 30o07o and 33o15oE. It stores the Egyptian and Sudanese water share budget from the Nile River catchment. The hydrographic parameters were examined to be obtained from remotely sensed satellite images, based on statistical correlation models between in-situ measurements and irradiance. These parameters include temperature, pH, total dissolved salts concentrations, electrical conductivity, turbidity and suspended sediments concentration. The statistical model was a binomial correlation between the irradiance and the in-situ measurements at the same location. Other in-situ measurements were used for the validation process, which confirmed that most of these parameters were obtained at a level of accuracy up to 80%. It has been proven that a value added decision making tool provides the operational information on the state of the lake with minimum or no field observation and low cost. The hydrographic parameters were used to provide more understanding of the ecological process rather than sedimentological one.

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