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Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed :: Publications:

The Fecal M2-PK As A Novel Biomarker for Screening of Cancer Colon
Authors: Mohamed El–Tantawy Ibrahim1, Mohamed A. Mohamed1, Mona A. Elawady2 and Hala A. Abed2.
Year: 2017
Keywords: Cancer colon; M2-PK; Biomarker
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed_CancercolonEJCM_Volume36_Issue3_Pages93-102.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Cancer colon is one of most common cancers worldwide. Colonoscopy; an invasive and costly investigation method is the most reliable tool for diagnosis. Early diagnosis of cancer colon gives a high chance of cure. Fecal M2-PK; a tumor biomarker is a new approach for cancer colon screening. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate fecal M2-PK as a biomarker for cancer colon screening. Methods: This comparative crosssectional study included 3 groups: 30 healthy individuals (Group Ι), 50 diagnosed cancer colon patients (Group П) and 20 cancer colon patients who were the only operable patient from Group П (Group III). For all groups, history and physical examination was done. Fecal M2-PK concentrations were detected by ELISA. Results: The study revealed that there was a significant difference between cancer colon patients and healthy individuals (control) regarding age (p=0.046*), BMI (p=0.004*), history of smoking (p=0.025*), history of low fiber and high protein diet (p=0.001*), and levels of M2-PK (p=0.001*). There was a significant difference in the mean value of M2PK levels in relation to sex (p=0.043*) and site of cancer colon (p=0.002*) only. Cancer colon can be detected with fecal M2-PK with remarkable sensitivity &specificity (98% and 93% respectively). The overall accuracy of M2PK in detecting cancer colon was 96.6%. Conclusion: Fecal M2- PK is considered as a good screening biomarker for cancer colon.

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