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Dr. Mohamed Abd Allah Abd El-Mordy Mohamed :: Publications:

التنبؤ بمستوى الأداء المهاري بدلالة بعض القدرات البدنية لدى ناشئي كرة اليد
Authors: Mohammad Abdallah Abdel-Mordy Mohammad
Year: 2019
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: مجلة علوم الرياضة- كلية التربية الرياضية– جامعة المنيا
Volume: Volume 32
Issue: Part 7
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohamed Abd Allah Abd El-Mordy Mohamed_Mohammad Abdallah Abdel-Mordy Mohammad_5pdf.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Prediction is considered one of the most important scientific means in the process of mathematical selection, especially in the early stages of training, specifically for the categories of youth and youth. Prediction is based on information about the studied phenomena and the extent of the correlation between them. The more correlation is apparent, the prediction becomes possible, so the process of developing and developing skills among players requires studying Phenomena and other characteristics related to skill, through which we can predict the level that the player will be in the future, so studying the relationship between the physical abilities and the level of skillful performance of handball players, through which it is possible to determine the relative contribution of each physical variable to the level of performance of basic skills in handball. Coaches are useful in selecting players and predicting the level of skillful performance in order to shorten time and effort and to have a database that may be useful for coaches in the selection and classification process and not to depend on the process of selecting and classifying players on the whims and personal observation of coaches, and the researcher used the descriptive approach (the survey method) in order to reach the capabilities Physical contribution to the performance of basic skills under consideration, as such Of the beginners in handball for the age group (14-16) years number (25), and the most important results were possible to reach a set of predictive equations for the level of performance of the skills under study in terms of some physical abilities.

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