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Prof. Mohamed Hany Abd Elhalium Ibrahium Elhatew :: Courses details:

Number of courses : 11
Number of uploaded files for these courses from students : 0
Glaucoma medical ophthalmology
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Anatomy of the lid
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Anatomy of skull
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Pathology of lens of the eye
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Pathology of glaucoma
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Cataract-aetiology- phacoemulsification
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Uveal tract-anatomy and physiology-inflammation- t
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Cornea-anatomy-inflamation –ulcers-degeneration-tu
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Conjunctiva-anatomy-inflamation-infections- allerg
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Eye lid – anatomy-blepharitis-entropion-ectropion-
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Medical and surgical ophthalmology
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
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