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Prof. Mohammad Badr AlDeen AL-Hussini H Mansour :: Publications:

Deep Ecology and Gary Snyder’s Poetry
Authors: Mohammad Badr AlDeen Al-Hussini Hasan Mansour
Year: 2017
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohammad Badr AlDeen AL-Hussini H Mansour_Microsoft Word - 2b Mohammad A Mansour _Deep Ecology & Snyder's Poetry - English Abstract_.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper aims to examine the similarities between Deep Ecology, a stream of thought within the environmentalism philosophy, and selected poems by Gary Snyder. Both the philosophic principles of Deep Ecology and the poetic themes of Gary Snyder maintain the inherent value of all living beings of an ecological system, the interconnectedness of everything, and the ecological diversity of natural systems. This similarity not only involves the profound relation between self-revelation and nature, but also unites the awareness of one’s self with one’s perception of nature. In order to show the ecological agreement between Gary Snyder’s thematic concerns and the principles of Deep Ecology, this paper begins by outlining the origins and foundations of Deep Ecology, coined by Arne Naess in 1973 and modified by Bill Devall and George Sessions in 1984, as well as the spiritual and political background that affected its formation. Then, it intends to parallel the selected poems of Snyder with the eight principles of Deep Ecology, as recorded in Bill Devall and George Sessions’ groundbreaking book, Deep Ecology: Living as if Nature Mattered, which presents the philosophical fundamentals for the defense of Earth, discussing biocentrism, intrinsic value, and ecological resisting. This parallel seeks to prove that the philosophy of Deep Ecology and the poems of Gary Snyder call for a change in current apprehensions of nature, to affirm that Snyder’s poetry can instill in readers a feeling of higher regard for nature and a penchant to consider nature as an expansion of the self, and to reflect Snyder’s interest in awakening people to joyful human involvement in the energy that flows among life forms. As a result of such similarity, this paper, ultimately, clarifies that descriptive literature, such as Snyder’s poetry, can effectively demonstrate the essence of an idea by putting it into action and giving it more vividness and permanence. Key Words: Gary Snyder, Arne Naess, Bill Devall, George Sessions, Deep Ecology, Turtle Island, Intrinsic, Interconnectedness

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