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Dr. Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Emam ALi :: Publications:

Cooling of Concentrated Photovoltaic System Using Various Configurations of Phase-Change Material Heat Sink
Authors: Mohamed Emam; Mahmoud Ahmed; Shinichi Ookawara
Year: 2016
Keywords: Cooling , Phase change materials , Heat sinks , Photovoltaic power systems
Journal: ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
Volume: Volume 6A: Energy
Issue: November 11
Pages: V06AT08A029; 11 pages
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Emam ALi_Abstract.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

In the current work, a hybrid system including Concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) and phase change material (PCM) as a heat sink is considered as a single module to achieve high solar conversion efficiency. The main objective is to accelerate the thermal dissipation with a longer thermal regulation period. Thus, a new CPV-PCM system using various configurations of the PCM heat sink and different combinations of PCMs is investigated. This study presents a numerical simulation of the effects of PCM materials and designs on the CPV-PCM system performance. To estimate the thermal performance of the new CPV-PCM system, a comprehensive 2-D model for CPV layers integrated with PCMs is developed. This model couples a thermal model for CPV layers and a thermo-fluid model that considers the phase-change phenomenon using the enthalpy method. The model is numerically simulated at different configurations and combinations of PCM with various ranges of phase transition temperatures. Three different configurations of PCMs are investigated: one with a single cavity, and two with parallel arrangements including three and five cavities. Results indicate that the use of PCM heat sinks with three and five cavities increases the heat transfer inside the PCM and achieves a significant reduction of the solar cell temperature compared with a single cavity CPV-PCM system. Furthermore, thermal regulation effect and temperature uniformity of the CPV-PCM system is enhanced by using various combinations of PCMs.

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