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Ass. Lect. Mohammed Said Abd-Allah Bauomy :: Publications:

Differential haemolymph protein profile of bacterial-challenged western honey bee worker, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Authors: AlaaEddeen M. Seufi; Fatma H. Galal; Faten F. Abuldahab; Mohamed Said Abdallah; Abdelwahab A. Ibrahim
Year: 2015
Keywords: Protein profile, Apis mellifera, Bacterial-challenge, Worker honey bee.
Journal: االمؤتمر العلمى الدولى بكلية العلوم- جامعة بنها ططدور العلوم التطبيقية فى التنمية وخدمة المجتمعطط
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohammed Said Abd-Allah Bauomy_Paper1.doc
Supplementary materials Not Available

The present work aims to study the changes in protein profile of haemolymph of bacterial-challenged worker honey bee, Apis mellifera. To achieve this task, worker honey bees were challenged with the gram positive bacteria, Streptococcus sanguinis, and/or the gram negative bacteria, Klebsiella pneumoniae using micro-syringe. Haemolymph was collected at four hours interval for seventy two hours post-infection from both bacterial-challenged insects and control, as well. Total soluble protein of haemolymph was extracted and separated using native and SDS-PAGE at different intervals. Results of native and SDS-PAGE demonstrated differences in the haemolymph protein banding patterns of immunized honey bee workers as compared to control. Molecular weights of the separated proteins were calculated from SDS-PAGE. Bacterial challenge induced many proteins of different molecular weights (116-14 KD) as compared to control.

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