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Prof. mohamed.algrawany :: Publications:

Contemporary global financial crisis - an analytical study of the standard
Authors: D / Mohammed Saeed Bassiouni
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
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The world is witnessing since 2008 a severe financial crisis is one of the greatest crises that defined the global economy and financial markets, which began for the United States to stretch contagion to financial markets in Europe, and then to many other countries. These include not only the crisis on the banks or the financial system, but also began beyond it to the real economy, which fall within a series of financial crises that have characterized the capitalist system for more than a century, which has intensified since the eighties of the last century with the rising phenomenon of financial globalization in all its mechanisms through the liberalization of capital markets Money and disarmament of all restrictions governing them and reduce the role of the state in economic life, as well as the separation is clear between the real economy and the financial economy, until it became the global economy is based on financial documents do not return for her, and the value associated with the size of the demand for them, in a torrent of speculation without receipt of actual resources. This kind of deal is the basis of the financial problems and risks that threaten international international financial system. As a result of the enormous proliferation of financial crisis contemporary of the financial sector to the real sector, and the United States to most countries of the world, effects and consequences on all levels, and in most countries, exacerbating unemployment through the demobilization of a large number of workers, especially in major companies, and the high level of poverty and the decline in economic growth in many countries, etc.. Perhaps this was the motivation to carry out this study in order to analyze different aspects of the crisis and its repercussions on the U.S. and global economy, and then to gauge the impact of the crisis on the economies of some countries. The study found that the crisis has affected most countries of the world and at all levels (the financial sector, the real sector, the business sector, the household sector, etc.). And that entailed a crisis of food and fuel and the high cost of housing prices, raw materials and others.

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