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Dr. M. A. Abd Elgawad :: Publications:

A Note on Optimal Foldover Four-level Factorials
Authors: A. M. ELSAWAH, M. A. AL-AWADY, M. A. ABD ELGAWAD and Hong QIN
Year: 2016
Keywords: Centered L2-discrepancy, foldover plan, optimal foldover plan, combined design, lower bounds
Journal: Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series
Volume: 32, No. 3
Issue: 1439-8516
Pages: 286–296
Publisher: Springer Link
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Abd Elgawad_A Note on Optimal Foldover Four-level Factorials.pdf
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The foldover is a quick and useful technique in construction of fractional factorial designs, which typically releases aliased factors or interactions. The issue of employing the uniformity criterion measured by the centered L2-discrepancy to assess the optimal foldover plans was studied for four-level design. A new analytical expression and a new lower bound of the centered L2-discrepancy for fourlevel combined design under a general foldover plan are respectively obtained. A necessary condition for the existence of an optimal foldover plan meeting this lower bound was described. An algorithm for searching the optimal four-level foldover plans is also developed. Illustrative examples are provided, where numerical studies lend further support to our theoretical results. These results may help to provide some powerful and efficient algorithms for searching the optimal four-level foldover plans.

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