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Ass. Lect. Belal Shehta Fathy Rezk Salem

Academic Position: Asst. Lecturer

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Faculty: Science

Department: Geology


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Scientific Name: Belal S. Salem

Publications [ Titles(17) :: Papers(3) :: Abstracts(17) ]

Courses Files( 0)

Inlinks: (1)

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Research Interests

My research focuses on paleobiology and paleobiodiversity of northern African archosaurs and other vertebrates (e.g., marine reptiles) during the Cretaceous Period. In addition to evaluating paleobiogeographic hypotheses, my research explores how breakup of the Gondwanan landmasses influenced faunal distributions, while also considering ecological responses of archosaurs and marine reptiles to extreme "hothouse" paleoclimatic conditions during the Late Cretaceous. I am interested in how tectonic and paleoclimatic dynamics impacted the composition and trophic structure of northern African dinosaur communities.

selected publications

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