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Dr. Mahmoud Hamdy Rizk :: Publications:

Evaluation of MicroRNA-122 as a Biomarker for Chronic Hepatitis C Infection and as a Predictor for Treatment Response to Direct-Acting Antivirals
Authors: Naglaa S Elabd 1 Safaa I Tayel 2 Moamena S Elhamouly1 Shaimaa A Hassanein3 Samar M Kamaleldeen4 Fatma E Ahmed5 Mahmoud Rizk6 Abdelnaser A Gadallah7 Soma E Ajlan8 Ahmed S Sief 9
Year: 2021
Keywords: Keywords: CHC, FibroScan, microRNA-122, DAAs
Journal: Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research
Volume: 2021:13 9–23
Issue: 2021:13 9–23
Pages: 2021:13 9–23
Publisher: dovepress
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mahmoud Hamdy Rizk_hmer-292251-evaluation-of-microrna-122-as-a-biomarker-for-chronic-hepati (1) (2).pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Treatment response to antiviral drugs is a challenging issue in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Although microRNA-122 represents the majority of the microRNA content in hepatic tissues, few studies have evaluated its role in the treatment response, so we aimed to study its role in chronic HCV patients and in predicting the treatment response to direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). Methods: The study included 125 chronic HCV patients (89 naïve and 36 with a prior failed peginterferon/ribavirin response) and 50 apparently healthy subjects. Complete blood count, liver function, α-fetoprotein, lipid profiles, serum creatinine, abdominal ultrasound, and FibroScan® were assessed. Viral markers, HCV antibodies, and hepatitis B surface antigen were measured by enzyme-linked fluorescent immunoassay, with quantitative estimation of HCV RNA and microRNA-122 levels by real-time PCR. Results: The microRNA-122 level in HCV patients (those with a sustained virologic response 12 weeks after finishing therapy [SVR12] and non-responders) was significantly increased compared with controls and expressed more in non-responders versus SVR12 (p=0.042). ROC curve analysis of microRNA-122 for differentiating HCV patients from healthy controls revealed that a cut-off point of >1.45 had a sensitivity of 67.20%, specificity of 94.0%, AUC=0.861, and p

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