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Prof. Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed Mousa :: Publications:

Temperature effect on magnetic and electrical properties of the compound Fe(DMSO) 2 Cl 2
Authors: M. A. Ahmed Mahmoud Mousa
Year: 1989
Keywords: Science
Journal: Journal of Materials Science Letters
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Pages: 104-106
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed Mousa_111.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Sulphoxide ligands have two potential donor sites. The lighter or more highly charged metal ions favour oxygen coordination while a few heavier metals prefer the sulphur donor sites [1, 2]. However, some sulphoxide complexes were found to contain both S- and O-bonded sulphoxide ligands [3, 4]. X-ray structural analysis on (FeCI(DMSO)5)(Fe 2- C160 ) complex showed [5] that the position of the dimethylsulphoxide molecule (DMSO) became distorted between two positions with increasing temperature. The disorder in this compound is due to the tendency of the angle of the oxobridge of the anion (C13Fe-O-FeCI3) to straighten out, the effect being transmitted to the cation via the short CI-S contact. In this letter we report a study of the effect of temperature on the magnetic susceptibility, dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of the neutral complex ((DMSO)2FeCI2). This complex was found to have a distorted square planar complex at room temperature, with two chloride ions and two oxygens of sulphoxide groups lying around the Fe 2+ ions [5]. Such studies may yield information about the effect of temperature on the structure and the donor sites of DMSO in this type of complex

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