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Prof. Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil :: Publications:

Rabbit genetic resources of Egypt - 1999
Authors: Khalil M.H.
Year: 1999
Keywords: Rabbits, Genetic resources, Characterization, Production performance, Egypt.
Journal: Animal Genetic Resources Information (FAO), United Nations, Rome,
Volume: 26
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 95-111
Publisher: FAO, United Nations, Rome
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil_1999 - Rabbit genetic resources of Egypt.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In Egypt, there are three breeds of rabbits, Giza White, Baladi and Gabali. For Baladi rabbits, there are three strains; Baladi Red, Baladi White and Baladi Black, while Sinai Gabali and Desert Gabali are considered the two strains of Gabali rabbits. Giza White rabbits are usually called improved Giza or El-Giza El-Mohassan. These Egyptian rabbits are medium-sized breeds and used mainly for meat production. Giza White and Baladi rabbits are docile, while Gabali rabbits are moderately tractable. Origin, physical description, and census data for these Egyptian genetic resources were described. Also, they were characterized with regard to their performance (e.g. reproductive efficiency, lactational and maternal abilities, growth rate, feed conversion ratio, carcass traits and meat composition, hair and fur quality, etc.) and adaptability to heat stress.

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