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Prof. Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil :: Publications:

Genetic and phenotypic parameters for weaning and preweaning body weights and gain in Bouscat and Giza White rabbits - 1991
Authors: Khalil M.H., Khalil Hamdia H.
Year: 1991
Keywords: Bouscat and Giza White rabbits, Genetic and phenotypic parameters, preweaning body weights and gains
Journal: Journal of Applied Rabbit Research, USA (This Journal is currently named World Rabbit Science).
Volume: 14
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 44-51
Publisher: World Rabbit Science Association
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil_1991 - Genetic and phenotypic parameters for weaning and preweaning body weights and gain.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Data on 1149 young rabbits of the Bouscat and Giza White breeds were analyzed to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for individual body weights at birth (VirB), 21 days (W71) and at weaning (WW), and preweaning daily gain (1"1)G). Data represented a total of 15 sires and 69 dams across the two breeds. Body weights and gain at weaning showed higher variation than Lhasa at birth. Effects of year of birth on weights and gain were not significant, while litter size and month of birth exerted significant effects on these traits. Individual preweaning weights and gain decreased(P

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