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Dr. Maher Mohamed Ahmed Khaliel :: Publications:

Wideband hybrid analog-digital beamforming massive MIMO systems based on Rotman lens
Authors: Y. Gao, M. Khaliel, and T. Kaiser
Year: 2016
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), 2016
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 6
Publisher: IEEE
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
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Hybrid analog-digital beamforming is a well-known cost-efficient signal processing method for massive MIMO systems. In this paper, we propose a hybrid beamforming massive MIMO system based on Rotman lens analog beamforming with beam selection and digital beamforming. Rotman lens is a true-time delay analog beamforming network supporting wide bandwidth signals, which is thus more attractive than the analog beamforming networks based on traditional narrow-band phase shifters. Hence, the performance of the proposed system is investigated and verified experimentally. In particular, we design and fabricate a sample of Rotman lens operating in 5 GHz band, whose measured performance agrees well with the computer simulation. To optimize our hybrid beamforming system in terms of error-rate performance, a low-complexity greedy beam selection algorithm is proposed. Our measurement and simulation results on the error-rate performance show that the hybrid beamforming system based on Rotman lens has a wide bandwidth and exhibits superior performance over the small-scale MIMO system under the same number of RF transceivers.

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