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Prof. Khaled Abd Alwaged Mohamed Abd Ellatief :: Publications:

Consequences of a noncovariant description of slow and fast protons from pC, CC, and C-Ta interactions at 3.3 A GeV
Authors: Khaled Abdel-Waged
Year: 2003
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Physical Review C
Volume: 67
Issue: 02
Pages: 9
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

A comparison is made between a typical intranuclear cascade (INC) model and the experimental inclusive slow (T0.4GeV) proton spectra in the p-C, C-C, and C-Ta in interactions at 3.3AGeV over a broad angular interval from 0° to 180°. It is found that the INC model reproduces rather well the inclusive slow and fast proton spectra, provided that the mean number of interacting protons (participants) in the corresponding angular interval does not exceed 2. The systematic discrepancies are identified and shown to correspond mainly to the noncovariant nature of the INC calculations.

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