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Prof. karam gouda :: Publications:

DASS: a discovery agent supporting system. IEEE SMC'99.
Authors: Karam Gouda, Jingde Cheng, Kazuo Ushijima
Year: 1999
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1999. IEEE SMC
Volume: 5
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 894-899
Publisher: IEEE
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

A discovery agent, which may be a human or a computing system to conduct and perform knowledge discovery from scientific data or from databases, makes extensive use of domain knowledge in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the discovery process. This knowledge accumulates and becomes huge with the lapse of time or with the evolution of the discovery process. This huge amount of domain knowledge makes it difficult for the automatic or even human discovery agent to effectively use it and retrieve the relevant entities. It thus creates an urgent need to develop a supporting system addressing this issue. In this respect, we propose a supporting system named DASS (Discovery Agent Supporting System). DASS supports the discovery agent in finding the relevant entities of knowledge from its own domain knowledge base and probably from other knowledge based systems relevant to the field and available online. We give an outline of the architecture of DASS.

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