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Dr. Islam Mansour Abdelfattah Abdelrahman :: Publications:

Design of Multi-layers DGS Resonator for Phase Noise Improvement of K-Band VCOs in 0.18 μm CMOS Technology.
Authors: Islam Mansour, Mohamed Aboualalaa, Nusrat Jahan, Adel Barakat, Ramesh K. Pokharel, Ahmed Allam, Adel B. Abd El-Rahman, Mohammed Abo-Zahhad:
Year: 2018
Keywords: CMOS; DGS; K-band; finger capacitor; parallel resonator; Mos varactor; VCO.
Journal: IEEE 61st International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2018, Windsor, ON, Canada, August 5-8, 2018.
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 178-181
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Islam Mansour Abdelfattah Abdelrahman_Design of Multi-layers DGS Resonator for Phase Noise Improvement of K-Band VCOs in 0.18 um CMOS Technology.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

A novel technique for a low phase noise and compact K-band Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) using multi-layers DGS resonator is proposed. The proposed DGS resonator realizes an additional series resonance at the higher side of parallel resonance frequency, and this results in improving both the active and loaded quality factor of the resonator. The proposed resonator has active quality factor of 130 and a compact size of 0.009 mm2 (0.000459

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