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Prof. Heba Ebdel-kader Ali Serageldin :: Publications:

Effect of Pyelonephritis During Pregnancy on Mother's Quality of Life
Authors: د/هبة عبدالقادر د/ عزيزة ابراهيم د/ عبير يحيي
Year: 2012
Keywords: Pyelonephritis, Pregnancy, Quality of life
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Heba Ebdel-kader Ali Serageldin_Dr. Aida abd El-Razek-1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Renal parenchymal infection or Pyelonephritis, constituted 1% to 4% among pregnancies. It is a condition in which the renal tubules become inflamed and their ability to reabsorb sodium is greatly affected. Aim of study; the aim of study was to study the effect of Pyelonephritis during pregnancy on mother's quality of Life. Methods: Study design: descriptive study. Setting: The study was conducted at outpatient of obstetric department Menoufia University and second setting was Ministry of health Teaching hospital. Subjects: The subjects of this study were 120 pregnant mothers medically diagnosed with pyelonephritis chosen according to the inclusion criteria. Pregnant mothers without any complications rather than pyelonephritis. Type of sample: A convenient sample was utilized from both study setting. Results: The study had revealed that mothers had lack of somatic fitness there for they were unable to give care for their families. It is also observed that the majority of the mothers had improper social fitness; they received social support from their family's members. Additionally, there were unhappy with their life changes. More than half among the sample studies was psychological upset because they have almost felt sad and afraid of the deterioration and complications of the pyelonephritis. Conclusions: there was a significant relation was observed between quality of life (QOL) and general characteristics; p values are 0.001, 0.032, 0.022, o.o4 and o.028 respectively. On the other hand, the score percent of sexual fitness shows insignificant difference p value=0.54. Housewives score means significantly higher than the women working as regard somatic fitness percent, social fitness, psychological fitness, job fitness and sexual fitness, p values are 0.01, 0.01, 0.001, 0.04 and 0.03 respectively. Study recommended; that outreach program must be designed and implemented to improve QOL among pregnant mother with pyelonephritis, psychological follow up programs among pregnant mother with pyelonephritis to improvement of their QOL, and further studies in the area of this study are needed with increase sample size to generalized results.

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