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Prof. Hassan Nafie :: Publications:

One-Boson-Exchange Microscopic Potentials in K+-Nucleon and Nuclei Interactions
Authors: KM Hanna, RAR Ghobrial, Sh ME Sewailem, HO Nafie, El-Din Nour
Year: 2009
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Proceeding of the seventh Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference (NUPPAC-2009)
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
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Derived semi-relativistic potentials of the K+ Nucleon (K+ - N) and nucleus (K+ A)interaction are obtained and interpreted, on the basis of the one-boson Exchange (OBE) model where used a set of boson parameters suggested by the Juelich group, to get the radial forms of the interacting potential V(r) for (K+ -N), (K+2H), (K+6Li), (K+12C) , in the K+ incident energy region Plab< 1GeV. The model is consistent with the belief that the contributions from higher order kernels are minimized by the nature of the (K+ -N) interaction. In Dirac space the process is based on the exchange of four mesons, one attractive scalar meson and three repulsive vector mesons. The chosen structure for the (K+ -N) interaction is consistent with the fact that more additional repulsion is required by the data where the shortest range -meson is not prepared to carry such load by blowing up its coupling constant which is restricted to its SU(6) group value. Alternatively, it is proposed to use the additional phenomenological meson of much shorter range and higher mass where its structure is taken as in the - exchange with opposite sign and heavier exchange mass. In addition, the derived forms for the (K+ -N) and consequently the (K+ -A) potentials are corrected for the center of mass of the two particles having different masses. This is supported by the suggestion that the interacting particles move under the influence of a harmonic oscillator which, in consequence, enables us to deal with the two - body wave function as known generalized Talmi-Moshinsky-Smirnov (GTMS) brackets for in-equal particles masses. To evaluate the numerical results for the studied potentials we have used three different Yukawa-type meson functions.

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