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Dr. Asmaa Mohamed El-Tokhy :: Publications:

مؤشرات ومحددات القدرة التنافسية للصادرات المصرية من البرتقال في اهم الاسواق العالمية
Authors: اسماء محمد الطوخي بهلول
Year: 2018
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: مجلة العلوم الزراعية والبيئية جامعة دمنهور
Volume: 17
Issue: 1
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Asmaa Mohamed El-Tokhy_2.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Competitiveness depends on the efficiency of the performance of export operations in terms of operations and marketing services and to meet the requirements of export, where the problem of research in the Egyptian exports to the countries of the world is characterized by instability, and the objective of the study study some indicators of competitiveness of the Arab Republic of Egypt compared to the competition, Egypt's production rate was 3.1%, 3.4% during the study periods (2001-2010), (2011-2016), Egypt came in terms of market share of exports of orange At the level of the world in sixth place in the initial period by about 3.5%, , While the center of Egypt in the second period (2011-2016), a period of political and economic change of the state as a result of the revolution of January 25, 2011, where it came in fourth place about 5.3% of the world and its progress on the Netherlands and Greece, despite the existence of a revolution0 The average quantity and value of Egypt's exports to the world amounted to about 407.2 thousand tons, Compared to $ 191.91 million in the first period (2001-2010), while the average reached 946.1 thousand tons, 527.5 million dollars in the second period (2011-2016), an increase rate of 132.6%, 174.8% respectively from the initial period Significantly over the initial period. The export price of Egyptian oranges in the Saudi market - one of the largest markets for Egyptian exports - represented 83.7%, 100.3% of South Africa's export prices for Saudi Arabia during the two study periods respectively, indicating that Egypt has a comparative advantage in price for South Africa In the first period of the second. As for the export price of Egyptian oranges in the Belgian market - which is one of the largest markets for Egyptian exports - Egypt has a comparative advantage over Turkey and Morocco and does not enjoy this comparative advantage price with South Africa.

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